Posts Tagged ‘awesome content’
Romancing the Customer: 5 Ways to Keep Long-Term Customer Relationships Alive
The purpose of content marketing is to attract and retain customers by giving them exactly what they want—when they want it. You romance your prospects by providing the information they…
Read MoreContent Marketing: How Can My Business Create Great Content?
Creating content to back your content marketing strategy isn’t easy. Determining where to start can be daunting. Actually getting your company to create great content can be flat out overwhelming.…
Read More4 Key Ways a Blog Boosts Your Marketing Strategy
A recent study showed that more than 75% of B2B marketers use blogging as part of their marketing strategy, and best in class marketers rank it as “most effective.” While…
Read More3 Types of Killer Content to Slay Your Competition
Online shoppers have one goal. To find what they want. Sure, they want a good price and good shipping terms, and a company with a solid reputation and the right…
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