2 Simple Ways to Track the Success of Your Marketing


3 Simple Ways to Measure the Success of Your Marketing

As the old saying goes: more than half of your advertising isn’t working – digital marketing analytics to the rescue! Still, don't forget the value of these classic approaches. You can figure out which campaigns are successful and which are flops through word-of-mouth.

These two simple techniques will help you
measure the success of your marketing:

  1. When you talk to a prospect, ask them where they heard about you. It really is that simple – but be prepared to keep asking follow-up questions until you know exactly which piece of advertising or marketing they saw. Add this information to your database in a separate column that you can analyze. Then add a column for referrals, too. It’s often surprising how many new customers come to you after talking to an existing customer.
  2. Set up a dedicated phone line for each campaign. Securing a range of phone numbers and assigning one specifically to each marketing activity requires a relatively small investment that really pays off. You can use your phone records to monitor the number of callers for each activity or simply update your database for incoming calls on each number.

These approaches provide valuable information that enables you to drop activities that produce poor results and emphasize the ones that work.  Analytics are great for measuring success too, but don't forget the benefits of mixing in good-old-fashion conversations into the mix.

Image Source: Thank you to Louise Docker for sharing the featured photo above under Creative Commons!
