Are You Proactively Responding to “What’s Next” in Your Industry?
The President of Cultivate Communications, Robert (Bob) Wendt, is scheduled to speak at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Luncheon on Tuesday, June 17, at the Crowne Plaza Milwaukee West in Wauwatosa.
At the luncheon, you'll learn how to implement more effective, inventive marketing strategies and initiatives. No fluff here. Get tried-and-tested, cutting-edge advice from three panelists using bold techniques to reach today's audiences where they are.
Below are a few questions that will be discussed by the these business-leading AMA guest speakers:
What is innovation? What is invention? And what is the difference? Why do start-ups burn out and Fortune 100s fade away? What mindsets, processes, and tools can help new or established companies remain innovative and (re)discover their mojo? And, importantly, how can you get your MARKETING to produce better RESULTS?
During his talk, Bob will speak about his dynamic career, focusing on the journey to re-invent his already successful printing business, Heritage Printing, by growing a business (You guessed it — Cultivate Communications) inside the complimentary industry of marketing — but with inventive ideas and an added twist. You'll also have the opportunity to hear Raphael Louis Vitón, President of Maddock Douglas (an innovation consulting firm in Chicago), as well as James Gross, Vice President of Global Marketing at Brady Corporation (headquartered in Milwaukee and employing more than 6,500 people in the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific) guest-speak.
11:00-11:30 a.m. Attendee Registration & Networking
11:30-11:40 a.m. Chapter Announcements & Panelist Introductions
11:40 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Presentations:
- Raphael Louis Vitón — Maddock Douglas
- James Gross — Brady Corporation
- Robert Wendt — Cultivate Communications
12:45-1:00 p.m. Panel Q & A
Don't miss these guest speakers and their panel Q & A to get customized, real-world advice that you can use tomorrow to produce better marketing results for you. Come be inspired!
Event registration begins at 11 a.m. Be sure to join the conversation on Twitter by following Cultivate Communications, @cultivatecomm, and the Milwaukee chapter of the AMA, @amamilwaukee.
Ask yourself: Is your organization proactively responding to “what’s next” in YOUR industry?
If not, you'll want to attend this exciting — and amazingly priced! — luncheon on June 17 at the Crowne Plaza Milwaukee West in Wauwatosa. The clock is ticking... Click to learn more or register today!
Questions? Give us a call at 262-373-4000 or connect with Bob on LinkedIn.
P.S. A bit more about our fearless leader...
Bob Wendt has a proven track record of success in achieving business results that outpace industry and market averages. His accomplishments include growing EconoPrint and Heritage Printing into recognizable market leaders. Bob has broad business experience that includes strategic planning, sales, and marketing. His success in helping clients resolve tough marketing problems led to the formation of a new company within Heritage called Cultivate Communications.
Cultivate was designed from the ground up to bring inventive ideas and cutting-edge marketing technology together to deliver measurable growth results for clients. It was founded on the premise that you don’t need to have a marketing budget like Nike® to achieve BIG results.