Top 10 Posts of 2013 (Thus Far)
Our staff is daydreaming about the long holiday weekend, fireworks, and the infamous Bacon Log-splosion. This week we slow down with a round-up of the top 10 posts of 2013 thus far. These are the Cultivate articles you voted for with LinkedIn shares, Facebook likes, Tweets, and good ol' fashioned page views:
Content Marketing
- The Smart Money Is on Content Strategy | Read Article
I speak to CEOs every day about marketing. It’s startling how many of them view marketing as a COST. They erroneously lump marketing in with their other “cost of goods” line items and commoditize it. They look for ways to cut corners, and they implement hit-or-miss tactics without putting in the proper think-time or strategies. It’s no surprise, then, when they don’t receive the return on investment (ROI) they expected. So, what should these CEOs do instead?
- How to Kick-Start Your Business Blog | Read Article
CONGRATULATIONS — You’ve taken that first, BIG step and created a hub for all your content. You’ve got a business blog! Now what?
- Using a Team Approach to Content Marketing | Read Article
Content marketing — It may seem like a simple task, but it actually has the HUGE role of reflecting the core of what your business stands for. You must be very careful how you leverage content marketing to position yourself in your industry.
- 10 Resources to Inspire Your Content Creation | Read Article
Creating engaging content is really hard work. Successful content marketing requires a long-term, dedicated team effort. Some days your thoughts and ideas come pouring out of you. Other days you just need a place to start. To help you through days like that (we’ve all had them), we’ve compiled 10 resources to inspire you in your content creation endeavors.
Social Marketing
The First 3 Steps to Social Marketing Success | Read Article
Social media aficionados have flooded businesses with so much information for connecting online that they’ve dazed and dizzied the very people they were trying to reach. Businesses who may have had plans to push themselves into this hot new realm of marketing are feeling overwhelmed. Nobody knows where to BEGIN to use social media in business.
- My business is on Pinterest, now what? | Read Article
If you are a small business or a blogger and you want to make the most of Pinterest, check out these 10 basic rules of conduct for this ever-growing social network.
- Responsive Email Design | Read Article
Responsive design is not a new concept, but with the explosive growth of mobile devices, it’s starting to get noticed again, especially by digital marketers. Cisco recently conducted a GIGANTIC report on global mobile data usage that predicts that by 2016 there will be over 10 billion devices worldwide…that’s 1.4 for every person in the world – WOW! So what is responsive design?
- More Cowbell | Read Article
When you review a proposed design, is your first thought “Make the logo bigger”? Are you looking for more pizzazz? Does the proof feel a bit dull or blah? If you are working on a website, a blog design, or even a template for an email newsletter, consider the following three points when discussing the proof with your graphic designer.